Text Utilities

This section provides useful text utilities ranging from various format converters, text formatters to encrypt/decrypt tools. No software installation or plug-in required; you only need a modern web browser that supports JavaScript/AJAX. That means you can use them on any computer, even the ones at internet cafes or libraries.

Case Converter
Convert case of English text, including To UPPER CASE, to lower case, Sentence case and Capitalized case.
Traditional/Simplified Chinese Text Converter
Converts all Chinese characters between their Traditional and Simplified font representation.
Japanese Name Romaji Translator
Translate Japanese names into their phonetic Romaji form (In English alphabets).
European Character Converter
Convert European characters to their ASCII equivalent characters.
Text Linebreak Formattor
Format text by breaking lines with a given width in number of characters, suitable for pure text environments like BBS, DOS, command prompt.
Text Encrypt/Decrypt Tool
Encrypt/Decrypt the whole text based on the password provided, suitable for people who wish to communicate securely without proper cipher tools on hand.
Duplicate String Remover/Finder
Find or remove duplicate entries from a group of strings that is seperated by break lines.
String Counter & Sorter
Count the number of string/line occurrence and list them out by orders.
Text Blobs Combiner
Combine two text blobs into one.
Text Blobs Comparer
Compare two text blobs that is seperated by break lines.
String Randomizer/Shuffler
Shuffle entries of a group of strings that is seperated by break lines.
Auto-increment String Generator
Auto generate strings with incremental numbers.
HTML Tag Remover/Escaper
Remove or escape all HTML tags within the text.
HTML Decimal/Hexadecimal Encoder/Decoder
Converts all characters to their decimal/hexadecimal encoded HTML representation, and vice versa.
URL Encode/Decoder
Convert special characters to their hexadecimal notations, suitable for usage in the URL.
Base32 Encoder/Decoder
Converts text to their base32 encoded representation and vice versa.
Base64 Encoder/Decoder
Converts text to their base64 encoded representation and vice versa.
JavaScript Hexadecimal String Escaper/Unescaper
Converts all characters to their JavaScript hexadecimal escaped sequence representation.
BBS Response Counter
Calculate number of user responses in a BBS post.
Mum Text Generator
Automatically insert a character at fixed interval into a string.
Halfwidth/Fullwidth Font Convertor
Converts all characters between their fullwidth and halfwidth font representation.
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