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Why isn't this page in English? - As a matter of fact, the information I presented here is widely available in other languages (especially in English and German). Even offers basic information on all the microprocessors Intel has released. By introducing my collection in a language other than English, I believe it can attract different group of people, and, maybe, lure them into the CPU collecting business.

However, I do have English translation for all of my Intel collection pages; please click on the English image to switch the description to English. If you spotted an error(info-wise) in the description, please kindly contact me or post it in the forum so I can correct it. There is also an English version of the trade list (also contains a complete list of my collection) which is located at the bottom of the links at the left. The coin I used in the picture is New Taiwanese Dollar (NTD) 5 dollar coin; it's diameter is about 2.2cm (for coin size comparison, please browse through my collection and you can find a special image that has the USA, Canada, Taiwan, Japan's coin and a rare CPU in the same picture).

Nikko Cheng (2006/04/25)

All content and images are copyrighted and may not be used without written permission from the administrator of this web site.

這邊是我個人的英特爾中央處理器博物館,全部都以我個人的力量收集而成,照片也是我自己照的(有些看起來很糟糕,有時間會慢慢來重照)。左邊的列表大致以推出的時間以及產品類型作順序(Cerelon也是以製程區分,Pentium II簡化版的歸在 Pentium II之下)。比較新的產品,由於預算關係,所以會等到其被市場淘汰後,再做收購的動作。收集品裡面有ES字尾的是指: Engineering Sample,也就是英特爾在正式將產品推出前給業界測試用的樣本(很多人以為只要晶片反面有ES字樣就是測試用的樣本,其實不是,要看正面以及製程才能判斷的)。最好用 1024 x 768 以上的解析度來觀看。如果資料有誤,還請指正,謝謝。





我自小喜歡收集有收藏價值的東西,也就是發行量有限,會增值的東西,包括郵票、古錢幣等,不過小時候沒錢,收藏也就少得可憐。當初會想收集中央處理器(CPU),也是因為那時我在溫哥華讀高中的時候正好有朋友(Terry)回台灣,我請他幫我買了一個386的CPU,那是我第一個收集品,其實也是我第一個到手的Intel產品,我電腦一直都是用AMD的產品,除了中間有用過 Pentium Pro 以及 Pentium II到一直現在都是AMD的CPU,實在是因為買不起Intel的當季產品啊(應該是說覺得不值得)。



6-in Silicon Wafer
六吋矽晶圓(6-in Silicon Wafer),上面有微處理器。

參考資料來源 (References)

盜用資料者 (Copyright Violators)

I, hereby, strongly condemn the following wretched websites for stealing my intellectual property without my consent.
  • [青島IT資訊網] 講述·英特爾38年的微處理器歷史《上篇》
  • [青島IT資訊網] 講述·英特爾38年的微處理器歷史《下篇》
  • [中關村在線論壇] 講述·英特爾38年的微處理器歷史《上篇》
  • [中關村在線論壇] 講述·英特爾38年的微處理器歷史《下篇》

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